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THE NBA FINALS | Social Media and Memes
Written by: Cassie Lavo
It’s 2016 and you can watch the NBA Finals on your TV, your computer, your phone or your tablet. Someone out there really wants us all to watch The Finals and truth be told, many of us are. Even if you haven’t been watching it’s practically impossible to avoid The Warriors, The Cavs, or The NBA Finals updates on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
But what exactly is it that’s being shared? There are certain social accounts like @NBA that focus on sharing game updates, injury reports, and player interviews after games. Then there are other accounts like @NBAMemes using humor to appeal to fans by posting memes, GIFs, and funny commentary about the players during and after games.
But what’s the importance of memes and other hilarious content shared about The Finals on social media? It’s content. And it’s mostly user generated. And it helps ignite social conversations that might bring in new fans of memes or GIFS, but not necessarily fans of NBA Basketball to begin with. At the end of the day the fans sharing this type of content are doing a large part of the marketing for The Finals, so better understanding what is they are sharing and how to join that conversation is important.
Memes: A set up, followed by a punch line. They sound simple enough, but successful memes don’t always follow the setup-punchline recipe. We at Kworq found it detrimental to our coolness (and success as advertisers) to better understand memes, specifically memes about The Finals. In order to better understand and help facilitate the conversation, we created MemeTheFinals.com.
MemeTheFinals is a site that allows you to create your own meme using our NBA player illustrations of some already popular memes. Pick a player, enter your text, then seamlessly share your meme to Facebook, Twitter, download for Instagram, or any other use you desire.
One thing we’ve learned is people love to create their memes during the actual games. This fact reinforces the prevalence of second screen viewing during The Finals. Not only are people watching the game, they’re engaging in the social conversation simultaneously.
The creation of memes during the games point to the use of second screens, but also to the importance of relevancy in meme creation. Some memes have an evergreen approach — always being relevant. But when the memes are focused on an ongoing event such as The Finals, the ability to stay current to the happenings of the game are going to make your meme best. And you want to make the best meme right? Yes. Yes you do.
So while we continue to learn more about memes and their importance, it’s your job to go and create. So, go on. Make your Finals meme. Make it at MemeTheFinals.com.
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